America, the colonizer

America is an imperialist, colonialist society. Those young people demonstrating against Israel, as what they call a colonialist society, are making a huge mistake. The Palestinians are part of the Arab peoples who conquered the Jewish homeland in 638 ce, They are the imperialist colonialists, and with the help of these student dupes, they are trying to hold onto the land that is historically and legitimately Jewish Land.

I would have more respect for these protesters if they agreed that before Israel should give up its Land to the Arabs, they will give up their land to the indigenous native Americans, so-called Indians, who lived there innocently before European settlers arrived, conquered and colonized them. These students are living on colonized land. And those Europeans who immigrated to America, their forebears, had no prior claim to the Land like the Jews do to their Land, who historically owned this Land and are the indigenous inhabitants. If you don’t believe me, scan the Bible for any reference to Arabs, and you won’t find any. The Arabs came much later and conquered the Land from it indigenous inhabitants, the Jews.

But it is clear that a lot of the demonstrations or violent protests in the US are headed by Arabs, who are probably students on temporary visas. They have no problem showing not only their hatred for Israel, but also for America, and often chant “death to America.” How did the protesters on Columbia’s campus acquire about 50 tents so quickly, who gave them the money for the tents and the food that they are consuming? Who is funding these groups, including Americans for Palestine, Jewish Voices for Peace (who are advocating for the terrorist group Hamas), and so on?

They are violent and anti-Semitic, yet they are protected by the Columbia and other universities administrators on the basis of freedom of speech and academic expression. This is an inversion of what universities should be standing for, yet they are allowed to continue. Jews are often criticized for taking a pro-Israel attitude, yet the Egyprian-born Muslim Head of Columbia University, Minouche Shafik, is not criticized for taking a pro-Palestinian stand. Have you noticed how may of the Heads of major universities are women and men who have “woke” leftist ideology and are often of foreign birth? Who is paying to appoint them?

5 thoughts on “America, the colonizer

    • Given the well-earned reputation Fox News has for lying and cheating, and playing fast-and-loose with the truth, I would be very careful quoting them, or otherwise using them as a resource. They might be right, I would just be sure to double-check…


      • Row upon row of identical, new tents suggests big-time funding, not individual initiatives by the students.


      • Nathan (4/30)… Understood, and agreed. Still, where information is coming from Fox News, it is prudent to double-check with an independent resource. 


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