The Presidential Debate

I got up especially early and watched the presidential debate on CNN from Atlanta from 4 -5.30 am Friday morning Israel time. I wish I hadn’t. The overwhelming reaction I got from this travesty was that neither candidate is worthy of being President of the USA.

Biden appeared unable to speak coherently and came across as in the early stages of dementia, often unable to complete even a clear statement, mumbling and stumbling. Trump on the other hand was his usual bragging and lying self, even uttering the memorable Clintonesque phrase “I never had sex with a porn star.” Is that what you want to hear from your future president? In addition to which he clearly lied and exaggerated his own previous performance as President and disavowed his obvious support for the Jan 6, 2021, attempted insurrection on the Capitol.

This only served to consolidate my decision that I cannot in good conscience vote for either of these men. Biden is an embarrassment not only in terms of his performance, but his evident weakness in foreign policy, both in relation to Ukraine and Israel, has left me with the conviction that he is pandering to the so-called “progressive” (but really retrogressive and anti-Semitic) wing of his party. Also, his performance in regard to the open southern border is nothing less than criminal. Added to which, if he is unable to perform his duties we would have Kamala Harris as acting President, what an embarrassment!

Even though Trump was reported to have won the debate 2:1, I am convinced that Trump is unable to act Presidential. He lies, exaggerates and is narcissistic, and he is unpredictable. He may decide to support Ukraine or he may decide to support Russia, on a whim. He may pardon the criminals of the Jan 6 insurrection or he may not. He may support abortion in some way or he may not. He is unreliable and unsuited for high office.

My only wish is that both party conventions see the inadequacy of their chosen candidates, and in open votes select someone who is at least credible and electable. I would choose Nikki Haley on the Republican side, and I don’t know if there is anyone on the Democratic side who is worthy. What an embarrassment for the greatest democracy and most powerful State on earth!