A Clear Distinction

A group of Islamist terrorists attack a democracy and kill thousands of innocent people.  What is the world’s reaction?

When Al Qaeda attacked the US on 9/11/01 killing ca. 3,000 innocent people, the world reacted in horror and joined the US in an alliance that counter-attacked Afghanistan, killing ca. 12,000 Al Qaeda and 56,000 Taliban combatants and ca. 45,000 civilians according to US estimates (this figure has been estimated to be as high as 70,000 civilians) over a period of 20 years. No ambiguity there.

Similarly, when Islamists attacked the UK on 7/7/05 and killed 52 civilians in a series of bombings as well as several later attacks (including the murder of two MPs, Jo Cox and David Harness), and attacked Spain on 3/11/04 and killed 192 in the Madrid train bombings, and France in a series of attacks on 13/11/15 killing 138,, there was world-wide sympathy and support.

Only when the Islamist terrorists attack Israel and murder 1,300 Jews is there a worldwide wave of support for – the murderers.  None refuted the US claim that the Twin Towers had been destroyed, but many simply denied that Hamas had raped, shot, mutilated and burnt alive whole families (including 280 at the Nova peace music festival).  Why the difference?  And by the way, Hamas is a proxy of Iran and their aim is not to to establish a Palestinian State, but a Shia autocracy.

No-one denied the US had the right to defend itself and counterattack, yet they have denied that right for Israel.  Why the difference?  The leaders of the US were not indicted for genocide or war crimes,  but the leaders of Israel have been so indicted.  I ask again, why the difference?

When Israel, the only Jewish State in the world, is treated differently from all other countries, the only explanation is anti-Semitism!  You should be ashamed of yourselves!