Biden Wrong Again!

President Biden was dead wrong when he accused PM Netanyahu of pursuing his own private policy on Gaza. He was in fact wrong on three counts, This is what Biden said: “He [Netanyahu] has a right to defend Israel, a right to continue to pursue Hamas, but he must, he must, he must, pay more attention to the innocent lives being lost as a consequence of the actions taken. He is hurting Israel more than helping Israel…it is contrary to what Israel stands for and I think it’s a big mistake.” His motivation for saying these things is no doubt US politics, due to the left-wing of the Democratic party and his concern for the upcoming election.

First of all, as PM Netanyahu replied, these are not exclusively HIS policies, but are the policies of his Government, agreed to by the War Cabinet and the IDF. Further, a poll published on i24 News shows that 75% of Israelis agree with the policy of continuing the war in Gaza and specifically in Rafah to both destroy Hamas and try to release the hostages. Further Biden said that Netanyahu must not cause “another 30,000 Palestinian deaths.” But, this figure is the one put out by Hamas for civilian casualties, and does NOT include any Hamas fighters or other combatants. The IDF claims to have killed at least 12,000 Hamas terrorists, so that the maximum civilian casualties could be about 18,000, and this is probably a fantasy figure made up by Hamas to gain sympathy, and the civilian casualties are probably less than 10,000, in a very crowded area (my guess is as good as theirs, the US President would not rely on an al Qaeda or ISIS statistic)). Furthermore, the IDF is working to keep civilian casualties down, but the US in recent similar wars has caused far more collateral damage, In the Iraq war ca. 100,000 civilian deaths, in Afghanistan ca. 70,000 deaths and ca, 85,000 in the war against ISIS. Although Biden was not President during these American conflicts, he was later Vice-President. This is known as the pot calling the kettle black.

Can someone tell me why the US is so much more concerned about Palestinian civilian casualties than Syrian, Iraqi, Afghani and any other enemy that the US has fought? The only explanation that I can come up with is that when it’s the enemy of the Jews they get special consideration all around the world. There were no such demonstrations on behalf of those enemies of America! It boils down to good old-fashioned anti-Semitism.

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