Blame the Jews!

Pro-Palestinain extremists and anti-Semitic bigots inappropriately equalize the two sides in the Israel-Arab/Palestinian conflict. Here are some examples of this:

  1. Israelis are carrying out genocide against the poor Palestinian people. There is not and there never has been any “genocide” of the Arab peoples living in what was former British Palestine. In fact their numbers have increased significantly since the founding of Israel (explain this!) There are cases of people being shot and murdered by the IDF, but only in rare cases was that deliberate when they were not terrorists. For example, in the current conflict in Gaza, it is estimated by the Hamas Ministry of Health that ca. 35,000 people have been killed. But, the IDF has estimated that they have killed ca. 15,000 Hamas and other combatants. That leaves a maximum of ca. 20,000 civilians. If we assume that number is correct, and it is probably an exaggeration, that gives a ratio of combatants to civilians of 1:1.3. This is a very low ratio, compare that to the usually quoted figure of 1:9 for the same ratio in all recent US actions in the Middle East (including the Iraq War, the Afghan War and the war against ISIS), where the figure of civilians killed varied around at least 100,000 in each conflict. Before lecturing us put your own house in order. No actual evidence has been presented that there is anything like a genocide occurring in Gaza.
  2. Israel is starving the Palestinians in Gaza by preventing the delivery of food and other supplies. Such accusations are based on propaganda, not facts. When food supplies started to be delivered by trucks, Hamas and other gangs were hijacking the supplies and selling them on the black market. Israel took over the Gaza side of the Rafah crossing partly to prevent this, but it was Egypt that then stopped the deliveries by trucks, not Israel. The US then asked Israel to open the Kerem Shalom crossing to trucks instead, but Hamas fired rockets at this crossing killing four IDF soldiers. Thus the crossing was closed temporarily. The US built at great expense (m$325) a jetty to deliver food by sea from Cyprus. The State Department was forced to admit that none of the food delivered in the first shipment reached any Palestinian civilians, because it was all hijacked. They asked for IDF assistance in protecting the trucks from the jetty. However, the jetty broke apart in the bad weather and has been virtually useless.
  3. It is common for the enemies of Israel to refer to Jews as “Nazis.” To illustrate the difference, before the development of the concentration camps during WWII (1942-45) in which the Nazis murdered ca. 4 million Jews (!), they killed the Jews by shooting them. This has been called “the Holocaust by bullets,” by Father Patrick Desbois, a French Roman Catholic priest who has investigated and researched this subject. In his two books “The Holocaust by Bullets” (2008) and “In Broad Daylight,” (2015) he describes the ca. 20,000 or so massacres that the Nazi einsatzgruppen (special forces) carried out deliberately in eastern Europe during 1941-43 killng ca. 1.5 million Jews How anyone in their right mind can compare this to what has actually happened between the Arabs and Israel is beyond belief. It can only be described as anti-Semitism.
  4. Let’s bring peace by recognizing a Palestine State. Many countries have taken this step, but it is based on a flagrant falsehood. Namely most of the countries involved (including Spain, Ireland and Norway) have stated that they support a “two-state solution,” but none of them acknowledge that any Palestine State will NOT recognize Israel and will NOT agree to live “side-by-side in peace” with Israel. This has never been their intention. How the supposedly serious leaders of these coutnries can live with this self-deception is incredible. Such a recognition of a Palestine State, without a deal negotiated between Israel and this supposed State, is totally ludicrous.
  5. What about the Jewish terrorists? There is a strong tendency to equate the terrorism that is carried out against Jewish Israelis with that supposedly carried out by equivalent groups of Jewish “settlers’ in the West Bank.’ An example of this was the article called, “The Unpunished” published by that well-known newspaper the New York (Palestine) Times. But such a story simply does not carry any journalistic weight. How many people have been murdered by Palestinian terrorists? It grows into the thousands, including the 1,200 killed on Oct 7, and many since. How many people have been killed by the terrible Jewish “terrorists”? You can count them on the fingers of your hands! This equivalence is simply a fiction, invented by clever propagandists to delegitimize Israel. It is a lie and reeks of anti-Semitism.