No Famine in Gaza!

Reports in the media of a reassessment by UN agencies have concluded that there is in fact no famine in Gaza. The number of people that the Gaza Health Ministry have recorded as dying from starvation since April is 1. For months the UN and all its pro-Palestinian/pro-Hamas allies have been beating the drums that there is not only a “humanitarian crisis” in Gaza, that people are dying in the droves from lack of food supplies, but that Israel is responsible for this terrible situation. But, as it turns out Israel was right, enough food (hundreds of trucks every day) have been entering Gaza, to avoid famine, notwithstanding Hamas hijacking much of it, and gangs of men taking the food to sell on the black market.

Israeli President Herzog stated months ago that there is in fact no famine in Gaza. The Famine Review Committee (FRC), a body consisting of five prominent scholars of food security and nutrition, on June 8 reversed itself and rejected as “not plausible” the conclusion that northern Gaza has entered a state of famine.  Statements by Israeli ministers, such as Ron Dermer, that there is in fact no famine in Gaza, have been greeted with derision by liberal media, including BBC and CNN. Apparently, the experts failed to take into account the full scope of all imports going into Gaza, including those from commercial entities that have been selling food and other materials there.

While Gazans are not in danger of starvation, there are many other places on earth where such conditions do exist, although the “humanitarian liberals” on the campus encampments are not interested in helping these starving people. The UN estimates that due to the civil war in Sudan 9 million people have been displaced and 20 million are in danger of starvation. In Yemen where food supplies are scarce, nevertheless the Houthis have been able to acquire missiles and drones to fire at shipping in the Red Sea. There is a terrible drought throughout the Horn of Africa affecting Ethiopia and Somalia, yet we hear nothing about this from AL Jazeera or the New York (Palestine) Times. In Haiti at least 500,000 people have been displaced and are in danger of starvation. I could go on, but no-one is interested, its all about the non-existent famine in Gaza caused by Israel, of course.

A footnote to this situation is that it turns out that the sea jetty built by President Biden in Gaza at great expense (m$325) to increase the flow of food, has proved to be useless. Not only did most of the trucks that delivered food from the few ships that docked there get hijacked by Hamas and others, but the jetty soon broke up in high seas, and after trying to reinstall it at a second location, the US experts gave up and towed it to Ashdod port in Israel, where it sits unused and forlorn. This is a perfect symbol for President Biden’s failed and indecisive policies in the Middle East. He has allowed Iran to not only expand its hegemony over areas of the Middle East, but in response to US hesitancy, has allowed their proxies to expand their war against Israel. He dithers while Rome (so to speak) burns.

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